Let me fill your heart with joy and laughterTogetherness, well it's all I'm after

Jackson Five


During a fit of laughter we immediately land in our body and in the present moment. You can’t laugh and think about a problem at the same time.

A laughter fit is very similar to an orgasm. You lose control, can no longer think and magically merge with the person you are laughing with. Experiencing regular bouts of laughter, as we know them from our childhood, is extremely healthy, it creates connection, frees the body from tensions and opens up the source of vitality.

Laughter and the willingness to experience fits of laughter can actually be trained. Instead of waiting for something funny to happen, we take responsibility for our own laughter and strengthen our ability to laugh.

I’m happy when it rains, because if I’m not happy, it rains too, said Karl Valentin.

What is Systemic Laughter?

I am often asked what systemic laughter is, whether it is something like laughter yoga. In contrast to laughter yoga, it is more complex and is based on the basic attitudes of the systemic approach. Systemic Laughter® is a point of view, an attitude and a method of (self)coaching.

As systemic coaches we always view a problem as part of a system and focus on the solution and existing resources. One resource that is available to us with every breath we take is laughter. The methods of systemic laughter are a fantastic extra resource for all people who work in the social professions and for all those who want to bring more playfulness and lightness into their everyday lives.

I have been running workshops and training courses at congresses and festivals, for social organisations and at the VHS Berlin for many years. Would you like to book me for a workshop or course (in person or online)? I am  happy to create a individual offer for you, more information

Together with my colleague Julia von Randow, I founded in 2018 the Institute for Systemic Laughter® in Berlin: www.systemisch-lachen.com

I am a speaker at the EmbodimentConference 2020 – Laugh yourself smart: Understanding and using laughter for happiness, creative thinking and bonding

The patient should be instructed not just to accept his fear, but also to laugh at it. This requires the courage to be ridiculous.

Viktor Frankl