in the body
When you open your senses, you land exactly where you are right now: in your body. The sight of a sunset, the reading of a poem or a loving embrace have the power to transform you. You feel more alive, breathe deeper and are more connected to the world. You are present for that moment.
Thoughts and feelings have an influence on the body and breathing, but it also works the other way round. When we open our senses and get our body moving, it changes our thoughts, emotions and our presence. Being aware of this possibility and utilising it as potential is embodiment.
Would you like….
bring more vitality, lightness and laughter into your life?
come into your own power?
live in harmony with your inner cycles and the cycles of the year?
I support you in this.
Julia Johannsen
Yoga teacher, systemic coach, embodied facilitator, social worker, laughter trainer, author, podcaster,
and I love music
and dance.
I am a guest in the Embodiment Podcast, talking about: Laughter, Sensuality and Devotion in Yoga
I am a speaker at the EMBODIMENT CONFERENCE 2020: LAUGH YOURSELF SMART – Understanding and using laughter for happiness, creative thinking and bonding